Residency 2023:
Museum as Muse III


This year's residency show moved indoors to Experiment PDX, a Portland science-and-art themed event venue. The show includes a literal depiction of a hidden natural world, art grown from crystals and fungus, art made from chemical processes and algorithms, and the perennial themes of natural object assemblage, museums, curiosity cabinets, and creatures that live nowhere else but the Zymoglyphic realm.

Zmov Vanc: Museum as Muse as Museum Muse
Lyndsay Hogland
A museum exhibit exploring the biome of an a hitherto unknown corner of the Zymoglyphic region. Access to this region was gained through an enigmatic image created by an AI genie prompted with "Zymoglyphic Museum as Muse." For details on this project, see here

Lyndsay has worked behind the scenes to support artists and their projects for over 25 years, including as a scenic and prop designer. This is her first gallery show.
Microorganisms of the Columbia River at the confluences of the Willamette River, Sandy River, and Columbia River Gorge
Shelly Smith
Exhibit of algae, water, and soil, sampled from from the Columbia River and surrounding areas. The exhibit includes a scientific poster featuring her hand-drawn depictions of Columbia River microbes with identifications, bioreactors growing algae cultured from local waterways, and mud panels made with Columbia River, Willamette River, and Zymoglyphic Museum-sourced soil.

Shelly is a Seattle-based scientific artist who makes art about and with microorganisms found in water and soil. She is currently studying the Columbia River, collecting samples at all the major river tributaries along its entire 2000-kilometer run.

Shelly tells all about here experience as a resident here
Mycelial Wonders
Shannon Amidon
A site-specific installation of experimental sculptures using fungal mycelium, hemp hurd, borax and bismuth crystals, 24K gold, and silver leaf.

Shannon is a local artist primarily working in encaustic inspired by insect and plant forms. She is the founder and director of the Verdancy Project, a multi-faceted endeavor that includes a nature-based residency program, workshops, and more. Working with mycelium and crystals is a new experimental direction for her.
Metamorphosis: Curiosity Cabinet
Lauren Carrera
An installation of crystallized constructed objects in cabinet of curiosity display case backed by a wall aerie of butt-erflies made from cigarette leavings and acetate wings.

Lauren is a local artist who explores the nexus between science and art and man's complex interactions with the natural world, using installations, paintings, and both large scale and miniature dioramas as media. A major theme is the world of museum collections, cabinets of curiosity and the role of the scientist/artist.
The Silicate Garden
The Silicate Garden is a set of miniature aquaria that explre the artistic potential of a chemical reaction that creates colorful growths with a remarkably organic appearance (hence the "garden" name). This is a self-organizing non-equilibrium process that creates complex structures.

The Silicate Garden was created by Lyndsay Hogland (shown), Joe Harris, and Jim Stewart. Thanks to Molly Radany of Experiment PDX for hosting the team with lab space, supplies, and enthusiasm!

Explanatory leaflet (PDF).
Photos of work

Natural Object Assemblage
The show includes a nod to the original mainstay of the museum's exhibits, natural object assemblage. The artists are Joe Harris (left) and Shelly Caldwell (right)