Curator's Resume



Integrate diverse elements from a wide variety of media into a conceptually unified syncretic framework, with proven results in both the physical and virtual worlds.


Establishment of the Zymoglyphic Museum, internationally recognized as the world's foremost authority on the history, ecology, and culture of the Zymoglyphic region, eagerly pursuing excellence as a fictocryptic institution

Creative endeavors in a full range of media from primitive pencil drawing to algorithmically-driven computer animation, including painting, assemblage, collage, writing (both archaic and modern), and digital photography. Minimal skill sets in selected areas are compensated by spontaneity, variety of media, and lack of competition in newly-created genres

Autodidact in Esoteric Museology


Diorama development, design and construction of museum exhibits, and creation, collection, conservation, and curation of museum artifacts

Writing, photography and book design for the Zymoglyphic Museum Press

Staff photographer for museum expeditions

Museum Web site design and maintenance

  • User-centered interface design with emphasis on easy navigability
  • Design and development of online educational exhibits
  • Fitful updating of the museum's official Web log

Results-oriented marketing

  • Design and promotion of collateral merchandise for the museum shop
  • Proven linguistic malfeasance in promoting the Zymoglyphic brand
  • Lackadaisical mismanagement of the museum shop's marketing efforts, resulting in gross sales reaching well into double digits, thereby preserving the museum's non-profit status
  • Ineluctably sesquipedalian vocabulary

Administration of museum outreach programs

  • Monitoring the museum's Artist-in-Residence program
  • Personal interaction with the occasional museum visitor
  • Liaison activity with affiliated institutions
  • Scholarly research on the Zymoglyphic region